Speaker Presentations

Prosecution, Protection and Prevention
Michael Ramos, San Bernardino County District Attorney
The presentation will focus on the recent expansion of our county's Human Trafficking Task Force and highlight the prevention and intervention methods being utilized in the San Bernardino County, as well as those recently addressed at the national level with the National District Attorneys Association.


The FRONTLINE: Yazidi Girls, Refugee Boys, Computer Screens and Your Favorite Mall

Dr. Sandie Morgan, Global Center for Women and Justice, Vanguard University

This international look at human trafficking 2018 will consider the impact of world crises on the shifting frontlines in the battle against human trafficking across the globe and in our own communities.


Inside and Out – Portrait of an abusive relationship – Dr. Kathie Mathis and Dr. James Beard
This two person, dramatically provocative, irreverent and ultimately truthful look inside the mind of a perpetrator and victim of abuse, is brilliant. It points “inside and out” how abusive relationships form and bond through manipulation and secrets. Drawing upon both personal experiences, education and years working in the field of abuse – Dr. Mathis and Dr. Beard bring an added dimension to our understanding of the process of Understanding the Mind of a Predator and the creation of the Victim/Hostage mindset


All in a Day’s Work:  Understanding the Impact of Working with Victims of Abuse and Exploitation

Attorney Amy Russell, Executive Director Arthur D. Curtis Children’s Justice Center

In the field of child maltreatment and victim services, investigative, legal, medical and mental health personnel and advocates are surrounded by trauma.  As professionals, we want to provide compassionate support and assistance to victims and their families; yet, at the same time, we know that we, too, have boundaries and limitations.  It is our caring nature that makes us vulnerable when listening to reports of the pain and trauma of victims and families.  This workshop will address the effects of working with and responding to individuals who have witnessed and experienced violence, the effects of working with the people whose loved ones have been violated in the most intimate ways, and methods to reduce the risks of vicarious trauma and burnout.

Toolkit for Responding to Trafficking Victims and Survivors
Kay Vail, Clark County Juvenile Probation Counselor and CSEC Task Force Co-Chair
Eric R. Anderson, Washington State Missing from Care Locator and Social Worker

Presenters will provide a practical framework for working with victim/survivors of trafficking based on the cognitive stages of change, pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and relapse. Learn how to incorporate safety planning into the stages of change working with the client where they are in the stages of change.


Treating Adolescent Victims of Human Trafficking: The Haven Program
Presented by: Southern Peaks Regional Treatment Center, Canon City, Colorado
Samantha Coleman MA, LPC, NCC and Melissa Steinbach MA, CACI, LPC
The Haven Program at Southern Peaks is for teenage youth who are victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. It is a place where healing from physical, psychological and social traumatic experiences occurs, and a program where transformations are possible. This workshop will provide an overview of Southern Peaks Regional Treatment Center that provides the foundation from which the Haven Program came to be. The presenters will discuss the population(s) served; their diverse needs; program specific modalities; safe house vs. residential treatment services; barriers to treatment; and moving forward.

Media Matters When a Child Goes Missing
Michelle Bart, President & Co-Founder of NWCAVE and Media Consultant/Publicist
Eric R. Anderson, Washington State DSHS and Director of NWCAVE Missing Children’s Division
Geared towards opening communication with law enforcement, media, social workers and persecutors offices.  This workshop will explore case studies of how, because of collaboration with outside agencies like NWCAVE that specialize in media communications, has resulted in finding missing and exploited children.

Trafficking: The Healthcare Provider's Role in the TEAM Approach. 

Presented By Forensic Examiner Diana Faugno

The forensic/medical examination for victims of trafficking: working together for better evidence collection, and the best practice for your community.  This session will cover the health care aspect relating to trafficking of these victims. Often times there are warning signs that most medical staff is unaware of such things.

Ready. Set. Go!  Prevention Programming For Your Community

Tina Bigdeli, Outreach Manager at National Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)

San Bernardino County Human Trafficking Task Force

San Bernardino County District Attorney's office & Ontario Police Department